More Finished Projects
I hate to admit this, but I've kind of enjoyed being out of a job these past few weeks. I'm getting a little stir crazy and in need of more people, but I've been really productive with my refashions and sewing projects, which feels really great. The "to be done" pile is shrinking and I'm really challenging my sewing comfort zone. The best part is that I've gone out on a limb when choosing patterns and fabrics and also style, and each attempt has been successful. :) Now let's look at some photos...
Here's the shirt I made last week from Butterick pattern #B5035 (I promised I'd post a photo when I got one...) This was a super easy project, and although the picture isn't that great, it was super cute with dark jeans, heels, and funky earrings. (It's also a little more fushia than purple as it looks here.)

I'm really pleased with this finished project... and I'm actually wearing it (again) at this moment. I used a fine, plum jersey knit from JoAnn (on sale!) and New Look pattern #6780. I have made a change since these photos were taken. I wore this shirt to a family get-together yesterday as it is in the picture and the sleeves really bothered me. The elastic was just a little too snug and they were really riding up into my armpits. (No fun.) I undid the hem and removed the elastic, I gathered the edge then added a band similar to the bottom. This made the sleeves just tight enough and lengthened them too. Overall, I LOVE the fabric (it feels great at the color is gorgeous!) and the pattern was pretty simple too - a definite must for summer! It's also long enough that it would look cute with leggings.

This little jacket was a big leap for me. I started a button down shirt dress a little over a year ago and got frustrated while trying to attach the collar. Needless to say, it's in the "to be finished" pile... This is the most difficult pattern I've tried in quite some time, and I'm pleased to say I'm really happy with the finished product. I used a nice light weight seersucker (also on sale) with another one of the $1.99 Butterick patterns (#B5332) and a covered button maker. Not only was the construction of this piece difficult, but I've not really worked with interfacing in clothing, and I'm pretty bad with button holes... and this had both of those. I don't think I would have ever bought something like this for myself, but I really like it and so does Ben. Win-Win in my book!

I posted this refashion last week:

Well, I attached the cut-off to the brown shirt today and ended up with this:
I'm not sure if I'm really happy with it, but it's not a bad use for the scrap, and the brown shirt is better this way than being too short.
Oh, and the brown bag lunch was a huge hit at the cousin's birthday! Josh (Alex's older brother - he's 5) really loved it, so it looks like I'll be making another one.
Happy Sewing!
I love the plum top. It's almost identical to my favorite shirt (store bought a few years ago) in my favorite color. It's nice to know that I could use the New Look pattern to clone it. Just need to get busy sewing! I'd also be interested to see the photo with the plum top and revised sleeves...
I really need to set up Blogger to tell me when I get comments... *grumble* So sorry I didn't see this sooner!
The New Look pattern was super easy, but takes a large surface to cut it out. It is a HUGE piece of fabric! I'll get an updated picture of the plum top in the next few days and post it asap. I think it looks WAY better now...
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