Thursday, June 4, 2009


I have very happy news to share... Ben proposed yesterday and we're engaged!


We were supposed to go sailing at Hoover yesterday, but the weather was just too cold and wet, so we opted to pack up the boat and be all ready to head up to Mansfield for the regatta Friday night instead. I had just finished sponging all the water out of the boat when Ben started to take the spreaders off of the mast and "dropped a piece" in the gravel. Knowing that I'm usually the one that finds stuff in the gravel, I got an "Amanda... come help me find this thingy..." When I walked around to the other side of the boat I found him on one knee with a ring and he did it... "Will you marry me?" I didn't even say anything, I just kissed him - then I said yes. I was completely surprised and it was totally unexpected. I am *very* happy -- It was perfect! (I had a hunch he'd do it in/near/around the boat...)

Here's a picture of the ring:


It's my mom's original engagement ring. She upgraded at some point when I was really little and (except for in their wedding photos) I don't think I have ever actually seen this ring. I'm really happy that Ben decided to go this route rather than buying a new ring. I like the sentiment with this one... plus it's been living in a safe for 20 years, so why not? It's very different and unique which is right up my alley. I love having things that I know no one else will ever have.

Yesterday was a great day and I am one happy girl! I love Ben so much, I would shout it from the rooftops... I can't wait to be his wife. :)


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gardening Progress

So... there's really not that much to write about right now, but I have lots of pictures. Here's the latest shot of the garden:

The gigantic stakes look really ridiculous right now, but I figured it'd be easiest to put them in now instead of later when the plants are bigger.

Unfortunately my pumpkin seedlings that were growing so strong, didn't make it through the transplant. I opted to sow some seeds directly into the bed rather than start them in pots. I had just enough bike wheel rims to edge the bed and put the ones with spokes in the middle - Hopefully they'll act as supports for the future pumpkins.

A few of the Brussels Sprouts didn't fare so well, but the ones that did are going strong! It's too bad it takes so long for the sprouts to really get going... we want to eat them now.

There have been a few changes to the potted plants... There were too many basil plants in the big red pot, so I split it up and put a few in the big blue pot. The basil, cilantro, and thyme (all on the orange chair) were started from seed and are going strong. The sage (below the orange chair) is also from seed and doing well. I decided I wanted more cilantro so I plopped a few seeds in the mosaic pot. I figured if I want to make salsa this summer, it can't hurt to have more cilantro. The oregano in the little green pot is a little slow, but it's going, and I decided to plant two hot pepper seeds in each of the other two pots. We'll just wait and see what happens there.


(That's a tomatillo... I realize the stick is a little faded already.)


The radishes are growing like crazy - both plots!

Look how big the beans are!

The peas are going nuts too!

We've been eating fresh lettuce in salads almost every night. That's a spring/summer treat you really can't beat!

This little cuke is loving life... so much so, he's already got a little baby growing!

All-in-all, things are growing pretty well. I've been feeding everything a good dose of root-building food once a week, so hopefully they're bouncing back ok.

Until next time, Happy Gardening!

Pretty Little Things

I thought I'd detour from the veggies and share a few photos of some of the flowers in the garden... They're pretty and make me smile, hopefully they'll make you smile too!

My newest favorite: The Icelandic Poppy

(It's really cool... the plant produces different colored flowers in the same plant so you really don't know what you're going to get.)

Longtime favorite: The Bleeding Heart

This climbing rose was a pleasant surprise, and they smell wonderful!

Why do you build me up...
Buttercup, baby, just to let me down...

Thanks for the impatients Mom, they're doing nicely!

I have to thank our neighbor, Nora for having such pretty peonies on the fence that we share.



This spring, stop and smell the flowers. You might like what you find!

Happy Gardening!

Friday, May 29, 2009

[title unknown]

A big welcome and hello to spring from The Gnomes!
Sunshine, we've missed you!

More Gardening!

I've been taking advantage of the nice weather and have been spending as much time as I can with my hands in the dirt. (I read that dirt-to-hand contact makes people happy... I totally believe that!)

I got all my seedlings planted on May 15th. Some of them aren't handling the transplant so great, so hopefully they bounce back.


I also dug two more beds: one in the corner of the yard and another against the west side of the garage. The corner fence bed will be home to the pumpkins, a left-over Italian Ice tomato, and some green onions.
The west garage bed will be devoted to Brussels Sprouts.


All the gnomes have been brought out of hibernation and I am loving it. They bring so much more to the garden... I've missed them.

Here's Heinrich guarding one of the Italian Ice tomato plants.

I realize it's not a gnome, but I wanted to share my toadstool. Ben and I stopped to visit his grandma and uncle on the way back home from Philly at Christmas and we took a little detour with his Uncle Greg to this garden store in PA with the hopes of finding a gnome. I picked up this shroom along with Alfred. I found the little snail at the candle outlet at the Indiana/Ohio border on our way back home from visiting family in Missouri a few months ago.

There's more coming...

Happy Gardening!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


No really, I swear... No Photoshop here. I was watering the garden just now and noticed the sky getting darker (rain is on it way for sure.) I looked up and saw this... Reminds you that sometimes Nature just has a way of really showing off.

Ugh, always behind...

Things have been a little busy around here lately, and unfortunately that means I'm a little behind in blogging. You'll have to forgive me for posting so much all at once. The weather has been pretty nice lately, so Ben and I have been sailing when we can and I've been keeping busy with getting the garden going (and sewing a lot too.)

I guess I'll start with some exciting news... I GOT A JOB! WA-HOO! I'll be starting at the end July as a customer service rep in a call center. It may not be my dream job, but I am very excited to start with such a great company. I mean, I love helping others and I'm a great talker, so who knows, maybe it'll end up being my dream job. In the meantime, I'll be spending the next two months squeezing in everything I can - unfinished sewing projects, gardening, sailing, traveling - before I start.

Anywho, onto the garden... Here's the finalized garden plot pre-planting:


I planted sugarsnap peas, Kentucky Wonder pole beans, and tendergreen bush beans on April 29th (I know, I know... I'm way overdue.) I used a garden fence as a trellis, it looked to be the best option for the best price.


I noticed the first serious sprouts on May 7th.


Here they are on May 10th. It's amazing how fast they grow!

[peas] [beans]
DSCN3132 DSCN3128

I brought up all the potted plants from the basement around the time I planted the peas and beans too. I needed some sort of stand to hold a few of the pots, so I painted this old chair:
Painted Chair
It has lived in the garage for who knows how many years, so I thought I'd give it a face lift. Apparently a giant mushroom grew out of the knot in the chair back and made it into the local paper... I just couldn't throw that kind of story away! Here's a close up of my painting, I'm really pleased with how it turned out:

I also got a new gnome - and a great one at that! He was $0.99 at the Goodwill, my first real gnome find (you know, not from a garden store or JoAnn.) I named him Herbert. He is clearly the long-lost brother to Pan, our drunk gnome... Love it!


Ok, that's all for now... more soon, promise!

Happy Gardening!

Baby Shower Gift

I know I just posted a novel of a post trying to catch up, but I left out one thing. I'm really proud of this one, so I thought I'd let it take the stage on it's own.

Ben and I have some friends who are expecting their first baby - a boy - at the beginning of July. The baby shower was this past Sunday and I made our gift. Nate and Bridget are both sailors... They each own their own Jet 14 and sailing is a HUGE thing for them. I couldn't resist rolling with the whole sailing thing for their gift. The best part was that except for the onesie and a pack of 2 binkies, I didn't spend a dime on this gift! (Yes, I just happened to have a whole bunch of kid's sailor print...)


The bundle included a custom onsie, a roll-up diaper changing pad, a roll-up peanut-shaped burp blankie, 3 bibs, and a matching "Daddy Bag" for quick trips.

Here's the detail of the diaper roll-up:
(The back is terry cloth and I made sure not to put the lower snap through both layers...
Don't want to irritate the baby's behind!)

Here's the detail of the burp roll-up:
(The back of this one is flannel.)

All of the bibs are different... I used a pattern from Nested
(The back of these are also flannel.)

I don't have a close-up of the bag, but the idea was that it would be a bag for quick trips (it's fairly small) and/or be a bag that Nate wouldn't hate to carry. The strap is extra long so it slings across the chest like a messenger bag - I added a ribbon with a small clip inside for a binkie, a snap closure to the top, and a small pocket on the front. Based on Nate's reaction, I don't think he'll hate carrying it.

I even designed the onesie. We have a local business here in Columbus called Skreened that does one-off apparel printing. It's really awesome because you don't have to get a whole bunch of an item like you usually do with regular screen printing. The "Future Jet 14 Sailor" totally made the bundle and was well worth it! (You can check out my shop at Skreened HERE - Have a request, don't hesitate to ask!)

Happy Sewing!

Thrift Finds!

A few weeks ago Ben and I decided to take a little adventure to the Greater Columbus Antique Mall in German Village (Thurman and High). Let me tell you, that place is AMAZING! First off, it's three stories and all three levels just ramble on in every direction. They have all kinds of stuff that fit varying budgets and it was pretty organized for an antique mall. All-in-all, we were both really impressed and ended up spending the whole afternoon there.

It was a pretty good day of antiquing too. I found 5 vintage patterns (all for $1 each!) and a Trimmings magazine, circa 1946 for $5. Most of the patterns are uncut and the magazine is really neat... it's full of how-to's for finishing and adding details to garments. I just love the vintage illustrations and trends from the 1940's -- Big Win for Amanda!


Here are a few shots from Trimmings:

I also picked up an old Maxwell House coffee can.
Sure, you may be wondering "Why in the world would she buy 30 year old trash?" Well, I have a good explanation:


I had literally just watched Little Shop of Horrors days before going to the antique mall. Now, you have to understand that I really love that movie, it has ties to my childhood and I guess you could say I have an attachment to it. My dad is a big sci-fi buff (you can read more here) and I remember watching it with him and also going to see a live production when one of the high schools did it. Ok, so I like Audrey II, well, minus the 'evil alien trying to take over the world' thing... and I'm going to use the coffee can for a planter. I just have to find the right kind of plant, preferably one that doesn't survive on blood or want world domination.