The gigantic stakes look really ridiculous right now, but I figured it'd be easiest to put them in now instead of later when the plants are bigger.
Unfortunately my pumpkin seedlings that were growing so strong, didn't make it through the transplant. I opted to sow some seeds directly into the bed rather than start them in pots. I had just enough bike wheel rims to edge the bed and put the ones with spokes in the middle - Hopefully they'll act as supports for the future pumpkins.
A few of the Brussels Sprouts didn't fare so well, but the ones that did are going strong! It's too bad it takes so long for the sprouts to really get going... we want to eat them now.
There have been a few changes to the potted plants... There were too many basil plants in the big red pot, so I split it up and put a few in the big blue pot. The basil, cilantro, and thyme (all on the orange chair) were started from seed and are going strong. The sage (below the orange chair) is also from seed and doing well. I decided I wanted more cilantro so I plopped a few seeds in the mosaic pot. I figured if I want to make salsa this summer, it can't hurt to have more cilantro. The oregano in the little green pot is a little slow, but it's going, and I decided to plant two hot pepper seeds in each of the other two pots. We'll just wait and see what happens there.
(That's a tomatillo... I realize the stick is a little faded already.)
The radishes are growing like crazy - both plots!
Look how big the beans are!
The peas are going nuts too!
We've been eating fresh lettuce in salads almost every night. That's a spring/summer treat you really can't beat!
This little cuke is loving life... so much so, he's already got a little baby growing!
All-in-all, things are growing pretty well. I've been feeding everything a good dose of root-building food once a week, so hopefully they're bouncing back ok.
Until next time, Happy Gardening!
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